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These photos show the progress of the Gallipolis, Ohio Freight Station restoration. These photo were taken on Sunday, September 29th, 2019. While they still seem to have much planned, you can see that the exterior of the freight station is looking VERY good! You can also see the pullman car on track to the right of the building, and the steam tanker that is being restored in front of the building. Some of the track appears to have been dug out of gravel from a previous line, but I don't know if it is from this line or another.

Anytime work like this is underway, railroad entheusiasts like myself are very excited to see the progress and we want to wish them well on their work! Hopefully something like this will be developing for the Grasshopper line in Octa, Ohio if things go as hoped. But time will tell.

Please enjoy these photos, try to stop down to visit the museum when they are open, and share this and the other photo galleries I am collecting for museum, historical rail lines, roundhouses, etc. Truly, we are all about Saving History!

If you would like to see the former route (or at least part of it) on my Google Maps, check out this link in a new window to see where the former line ran through Gallilpolis, Ohio.